This Deserves A Post!

Wow. Right? (By the way sorry about not having my name label thing. It's Kelzsprouse_1. :) )
This Stardoll member is a "famous" one. Although I'd only just heard of her...
I just thought her suite deserved a post on here. It's the first suite since Bella_La_Swan (I'm going to try and post her suite down as well.) that I've actually gone 'No Way!' at. It's so unique! Paris! Lots of Stardoll member have ah-mazing suites, but not like this one. Malgosia245's suite is outstanding! And her hair (the horse tails) adds more of a 'wow' into her suite. ;)

This is a front garden by the looks of it. The details are amazing! She's used a pond as a bird bath and a fashion screen as the top of the windows!

This looks like a ship-take off (if that's what you call it! :P). She's even got a 'Titanic' sign on the boat!
On the other half of this room, she's used lots of the leopard print mat as a gorgeous dress. She's so imaginative!

This room is a beach, used with the scenario 'Pier'. Again, it's unbelievably imaginative. She's used a necklace for more detail and a stand (the spikey fashion one) as a tree by the lighthouses!

This is a back garden. Even more imaginative! She's made a wishing well, another clever pond and even a barbeque with a roasting pig! Haha!

Sorry I haven't uploaded all the rooms, but if you want to see them all, go to:
